What I’m Learning While the World Changes

It has been over a week since a “shelter in place” order was announced by the Governor of Illinois. Of course, we suspected it was coming and it is actually less restrictive than most rumors said it would be.

Schools have been closed. Restaurants that don’t offer carryout and non-essential businesses are closed.  (I’d like to argue that hair appointments should be essential!)  It is possible to get what we need and I am grateful for a warm home, but like everyone else, “yesterday” seems like a month ago. 

Here’s what I’m learning while the world changes:

  • I am concerned for the people who are much more affected by this than I am.  I’m open to helping, but see that others are organized and equipped to meet needs better than I am. So, I try to stay aware and am ready if a need becomes apparent.
  • I enjoy being creative in the kitchen. I know this about myself, but now that I am home with much less to distract me, I am returning to making at least one healthy meal a day from scratch. I should write down recipes that we think had good results.  I made some killer gluten-free oatmeal cookies last week and I’m not sure I can reproduce them. I know the basics, but which flours did I use and how much of each? I know I dumped coconut in at the end, but how much?  
  • If it’s not in the house, I won’t <over>eat it.
  • While I have a closet full of clothes, there are a very few that I find comfy enough to stay in for a whole day. Basically, pj bottoms and a sweatshirt are my daily uniform…I’m fine with no variety there. And, I realize I don’t need to purchase clothes since I have plenty that I am not wearing.
  • It’s good for me to have a dog because if I didn’t I might not leave the house. Taking her out for walks is really good. I fear I could hole up and stay in if I didn’t have her to nudge me outside. (It’s also a nice future hope that she is confirmed pregnant and we have puppies to look forward to in a month.  Leader Dogs for the Blind will have more pups to help visually impaired and blind people around the world.)
  • Netflix has Jeopardy!
  • I never tire of crossword puzzles.
  • There is very little that I need to buy.  I have a package coming with more lavender oil for my dryer balls and some silver cleaner. When I organized my jewelry, I realized a lot of it is pretty dirty.  I also bought a spiralizer.  I bought a hand one last year for $6 to see if I’d use it.  I did use it!  But, it will only do zucchini (soft) so I bought one for $30 that is hand crank. It is so much fun!  So far, that is my online spending for the past 2 weeks.
  • A list, written down is a good thing. I forget even my best intentions when I don’t write it down.
  • Keeping in touch is encouraging. In the first days of our “shelter in place” I had 2 young women reach out to me. Both have worked in the food as medicine program I run as interns and now are out of school and on with their lives. It meant a lot to me to have them texting me.  I have been thinking that I don’t spend nearly the time on the phone, chatting, that I did 10 years ago. Maybe it’s because of the illusion of keeping in touch that facebook and Instagram give? Our grandkids have been writing their elderly neighbors and asking them life questions. They have gotten some thoughtful and touching responses. I hope that keeping in touch might be a lesson we learn through this?
  • Even when there is not so much I have to do, it is still not my first thought to exercise! But, with online classes and the great outdoors, there is really not excuse to skip it.
  • Limiting time searching for answers helps avoid some stress.  Patience is what I remind myself to practice most. Be patient. Wait it out. Don’t worry about what you can’t control. I look forward to September, 2020 and having the hindsight perspective….but I still have a lot of living between now and then, so I need to be intentional with keeping myself focused and thankful now.
  •  A daily moment or two to remind myself of all my many blessings is precious and key to staying positive and sane.

So….let’s all encourage one another to hang in here.  We’ll get through this.

What are you learning through now as you adjust to a limited life style?