Stuck Inside

Last week with the beginning of the coronavirus crisis, I had a rough few days. It seemed like there was just too much information swirling around with little of it credibly substantiated. Stuck inside? Toilet paper hoarding? Really? Social media posts that contradicted. No one seeming to know what was going on or what to expect. My mind was racing and not ending up anywhere.

 And it wasn’t just about the virus. Adjusting to the time change, 2 early mornings for airport delivery and food pantry pickup, a bit of disconnect with a food provider for the panty all added to my stress.  Not to mention my husband in Mexico with news of the virus confirmed in the town he was to visit the next day.  His main concern was, “will I get stuck here?” 

I was juggling a pregnant dog that has to be quarantined, hens that need to be fed, eggs to be collected daily, a son who has Down Syndrome who needs support, and two different vehicles for different tasks. (Car for showing homes and van for picking up and transporting a ton, literally, of food.)

I felt tired (low on sleep), irritable (global and local disruptions), stressed (tight schedule), and less than optimistic.

This week?  A complete turnaround. I have energy and much more pleasant, I am managing to keep things in perspective, and I am hopeful that this coronavirus crisis will have some positive and lasting results as we refocus and are forced to slow down.

Here is what helped me….

  • I took a day off of the news and off of the internet.
  • I went to bed early and slept as late as I could.
  • My husband got home so there was coverage for animals.
  • I spent some quiet time, journaling to renew my perspective.
  • I cooked some healthy food and ate it in front of the fire, watching the snow.
  • I worked out in my living room and took a walk outside.
  • I remembered that I had been forgetting to take the 2 supplements I take…B12 and D.
  • I made a list of my job responsibilities so I could be sure I was getting things done.
  • I made a flourless chocolate cake and we had friends over for a lovely visit.

Today, I am better. The world is still crazy, I think, and there is so much we don’t know and can’t control. But, we’ll get through this.  There is even a possibility we will be stronger…as a society, as a world as we navigate coronavirus and Covid-19.

So, stay focused on what is important to you.

Eat well and keep moving.

Limit your intake of social media

Be kind and count your blessings.

While we may be practicing social distancing, that doesn’t mean we have to disconnect! Be sure to visit my Facebook page for conversation and encouragement! Click HERE.