I can Slow Down

I’m starting a series of posts called, “Why I love being in my Third Third.” I look forward to sharing why my Third Third is my Best Third and hearing from you about what you are enjoying in your Third Third!

I can slow down.

I used to charge around and work fast.  When Joel, our middle child who has Down Syndrome, was young, one day he asked me… “Mom, why are you so fast?  Did God make you that way?” I guess so, Joel. And it stood me well in those busy years of raising a family and running a business.

I’m in my Third Third now (I just had birthday #67) and I find that I am moving more slowly. And I recognize that I am much more patient. And I enjoy each day a little bit more.

Slowing down a bit is a good thing, I think. And it is not just because my body is older that I am slower.  I am still pretty hale and hearty.

I’m just slower. On purpose, because….

1.) I have less to do.

I still work as a Realtor and own a small Brokerage, so I help other agents with their transactions. And, I write and speak about making the Third Third the BEST Third of life.  And we are building a house. And Joel often needs transportation. But, there is less food to prepare, less laundry to fold, fewer errands to run. I don’t miss the long list of daily and weekly tasks. A shorter list of chores and fewer people to take care of make for less every-day work.

2.) I know it will all get done.

My perspective of 67 years’ observations tells me that the important gets done.  No need to fret about unfinished, uncompleted crucial tasks. One step at a time and the important gets done.  The tyranny of the urgent has less effect at this point.

3.) I have more time.

Since I have less to do, it seems I have more time. Even though I think I sleep more than I used to.  I like to get in bed earlier and stay in bed later (I do love my sleep), but I have time in the morning with no set hours to report to an office. I have more time in the evening with fewer obligations as a parent.  It is still 24 hours, but there are fewer demands to fill it.

4.) There are fewer people to please.

Yep. This one sure makes me more patient and keeps me from running around here and there. Clients who become friends. An easy-to-please husband. A fairly-independent Joel. Mostly self-imposed deadlines.  Fewer people demanding my time and effort makes for a slower, more peaceful life.

5.) I have the wisdom from having lived for six decades.

It will all get done. Perfection is highly over rated (in my Mantra book! Coming soon!). Not everything is important. There is little that actually requires urgent attention.  Keeping a high standard is important, but the perspective of a life of lots and lots of completed tasks and satisfactory relationships and lessons learned ensures a life at a comfortable pace.

Those adages of “this too shall pass” and “don’t sweat the small stuff” and “good things come to those who wait” all have a familiar and truthful ring at this stage of my life. There is no need to be charging around.  

I love being in my ThirdThird and being able to slow down.