Challenge Your Thoughts

I heard a man speak once whose three points I remember clearly.  He is the author of the book, Death of Innocence: The Hate Crime That Changed America, Christopher Benson.  His three points bear repeating and can inspire us to challenge our thoughts.

  1. The choices we make are important. 

Chris spent hours with Mamie Mobley, the mother of Emmett Till.  Emmett was lynched in Mississippi in 1955 for whistling at a white woman.  

Mamie Mobley, Emmett’s mother, made decisions that changed history.  Her choices to stand firm and insist on her own needs as a mother changed history.  Cited in the book, Rosa Parks was thinking of Emmett Till when she decided to “do something” and refuse to move to the back of the bus.  Also, when the bus boycott in Alabama was organized, the story of Emmett Till and his mother’s firm stand was a source of inspiration.  

Later, “Mother” Mobley, as she became know, used her influence to counsel young people.  As she pursued teaching as a profession, she encouraged young people to consider their choices.  “Every decision you make is a choice to not choose other options.  So, choose wisely,” was Mother Mobley’s advice.  According to the book and author, her advice had an effect that was positive on many of her eventual students.  Her advice is well taken.  Choose wisely.

“Every decision you make is a choice to not choose other options.  So, choose wisely,”

Mamie Mobley
  1. Realize and embrace the fact that we are each uniquely able to make a difference. 

For Mother Mobley, she had a profound effect on the course of American history.  But she was just a normal, average mother at the time of her greatest influence.  It seems, from her life story as told by Christopher Benson, that she just clearly knew who she was and what was important to her.  Each of us is just as uniquely important as Mamie Mobley.  To live daily with that conviction and knowledge is potentially powerful. 

A core statement that my husband and I have adopted is “You never know when the next person you meet, who is drawn to you because of how you live your life, will change your life forever.”  An opportunity, an idea, a relationship, a business deal that comes from making the most of each connection you have might be your key to future greatness.  The core idea is to know who you are, to know why you live your life and conduct yourself in the way you do.  Intentional behavior.  Deliberate choices.  Deep convictions.  They are worth the investment of the time you spend to determine them.

  1. It is good to go to bed exhausted every night. 

To be exhausted every night from living your life to the fullest, giving all you have to what you consider important is a “no regrets” kind of life.  This point was really more from the author than from the topic of the book.  Christopher Benson has been influenced by his subject in this regard.  He has determined that Mamie Mobley lived her life so completely and so intentional that she died with no regrets.  She was reluctant to leave, knowing that there was more she could give.  But, at the same time, she was ready to go, knowing that she had given all she could.  

To go to bed exhausted every night allows the night’s rest to be restoring and rejuvenating.  Waking up every morning ready for the new day is the real point.  Having a purpose and focusing on it so that every day is an investment is a worthy goal.

Every once in a while, you come across a topic or a person or an idea that sticks with you.  Emmett Till’s story, as told by Mamie Mobley and Christopher Benson struck me that way.  It was memorable, I think, in that Professor Benson was profoundly changed and challenged by his encounter with his subject.  Mother Mobley changed his life in the same way that she changed history.  By making strong and wise decisions, by understanding that she had a responsibility to live her life with purpose, and by giving her all to what was important to her.  

I am inspired to live life fully and to go to bed exhausted.

Try this:  Purpose to read a book or hear a speaker that will give you a new perspective and challenge your thoughts.