Wikipedia says that a mantra is a sound, syllable, word, or group of words that are considered capable of “creating transformation.”


We all have a mantra or mantras, things we say over and over, that have the power to change us…or to keep us stuck.

Not all of the things we tell ourselves are good for positive change.  A lot of them are very damaging:

  • I look fat.
  • I worry too much.
  • I don’t make enough money.
  • Other people are better/ more successful/happier/luckier than I am.
  • I have no control over my circumstances.

When we say the same things to ourselves, over and over, the worst part of negative thoughts and self-talk is that we eventually come to believe what we are telling ourselves.  And when we believe the negative things we say to ourselves about ourselves, we are in grave danger of becoming stuck right where we are.

My mantras mostly come from life moments when it became acutely and frighteningly obvious to me that I was just about to become stuck in a way of thinking, reacting, living, that was making me shrink….instead of growing.  My “mantra moment” was when the things I was telling myself over and over were recognized for what they were… and replaced.

  • It’s easier to keep it off than to take it off.
  • I will no longer be insecure.
  • I know what will satisfy me.
  • Perfection is highly over-rated /Know your limiting beliefs… and replace them.
  • Change something.

As I am working on my next book, Mantras for Your BEST ThirdThird, I am reading through old journals to get perspective and to see the difference that changing the way I was thinking has taken me forward.  It is deeply satisfying to see that I have become intentional and purposeful and satisfied….instead of fearful and worried and sad.

Some of my mantras are already in blog posts at  And there are more to come, more to share, more to learn.

In the meantime, I am adding to my Youtube channel with stories of women and men who are living their BEST ThirdThird.  

Are you someone who has a story to share that will inspire and encourage others to be designing their life to ensure a ThirdThird that is the BEST Third of their life?  

Or, do you know someone I might meet and interview about their ThirdThird story?

Tell me!






Photo by Lukas Budimaier on Unsplash