When I wrote about the high “D” with high “I”, I was talking about very high in both.  It is a  very strong (and thankfully, rare) pattern and one to be managed strategically.  There are other combinations of “D” and “I” that are less focused on controlling, but are equally valuable and strong.

A “D” is always going to have some drive and the need to “do something.”  An “I” is always going to have a need for interaction and communication.  Depending on whether the “D” or “I” is the strongest or the most influential in the mix, here are some differences.

A higher “I” with lower “d” influence might be enthusiastic and trusting, friendly and open.  They are great sellers in that they can “close” or bring a person to a point of decision.  They won’t really be concerned about offending someone if what they are selling is truly in the best interest of the purchaser (in the eyes of the I/d–) and will make the deal happen.

This mix of “I” and “d” has great ability to express themselves, they like gadgets and things that make them look like they are in the “know,” and they are usually poised and confident.  They might occasionally oversell or be accused of being more optimistic than realistic, but overall, they will be a great team member and will produce impressive results.  Just don’t ask them to sit at a desk or to manage people who require kid-glove handling. Do let them know the desired results because they will need to be reminded to balance enthusiasm with realistic deadlines and outcomes.

A higher “D” with less “i” might be diligent and independent, quick to pick up on an idea or concept and quick to move.  They tend to have a strength of presence about them that exudes confidence.  They are persistent and maybe even tenacious.  They can be counted on and will enjoy a challenge that will make them better and show (themselves) that they can do more.

This mix of “D” and “i” enjoys competition and can rally the troops to get headed in the same direction–whether or not they are actually in charge.  In tight situations, they may overstep their bounds and they can become critical or want to “do it themselves” if the situation becomes tense.  There is a fear in this person that they might be taken advantage of and as a result, it might seem they are isolating.  Truth is….that “I” in there makes them care, more than they might like to admit, what others think of them.

We are all a mixture.  Understanding ourselves, first, and others, later, can lead to much confidence and success.